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Let’s Reforest California with Every Inhale

April 24, 2020

We love trees. So much that we don’t just hug them, we built our company around them. Trees are central to our brand, our mission, our purpose, and our practices. They are part of our origin story and woven into the strands of our company DNA.

At fumé, the company that brings you LAKEGRADE, we create world-class cannabis brands, products, and experiences inspired by the land on which it was grown. We grow our premium flower on trees—yes, you read that right, trees—as a way to pay homage to the plant in its authentic form.

To cultivate cannabis on trees, you have to start with a seed and grow them in the great outdoors. The beautiful trees we lovingly raise from seed grow to over 15 feet tall and 6 feet wide, giving each and every luscious bud its moment in the warm, California sun. Our sun-grown, craft cannabis is cultivated responsibly by local farmers with decades of experience and a lifetime of respect for the environment.

Trees are central to our company and our cultivation practices. Sustainability is our lifeblood and our roots in Northern California run deep. Our mission statement Planting Trees for Future Generations comes from our vision to plant the ‘seeds’ for a brighter future for the cannabis industry and a commitment to farm our tress responsibly, minimizing our impact on the environment.

Our CEO and co-founder, Eric Sklar, is dedicated to the responsible cultivation efforts from our farm and has been an environmental advocate in California for decades.

“I feel deeply that our first goal in life should be to leave the planet we have been gifted in a better condition when we depart it, than when we arrived. This means living with a light footprint, farming sustainably, and repairing the damage we have already done. Planting trees for future generations is just one more way we can create a beautiful world for our children and their children.” – Eric Sklar

Our team is deeply connected to the land and all who are blessed to call the Golden State home. Our love of trees extends beyond cannabis and our hearts ache at the devastation that wildfires have wreaked on our forests and our Northern California community.

As a heart-lead, back-to-nature brand, LAKEGRADE is dedicated to giving back to our local community and having a world-positive impact. We are a proud partner of One Tree Planted – a non-profit focused on global reforestation, and donate $1 for every product sold. Each $1 donated plants one tree.

Buy a LAKEGRADE 1/8 oz. or pre-roll pack, and we’ll plant a tree. It’s that simple.

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